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This should come as no surprise as sweetened and calorie free beverages have come under scrutiny for contributing to increased risk of potentially fatal conditions such as diabetes, dementia, stroke, liver necrosis fatty liver, overweight and obesity. Excess glucose in the bloodstream is easily converted to triglycerides by the liver and promptly stored as fat, typically around the waistline for use during leaner times. This survival mechanism worked very well for our ancestors of several hundred generations past, but times of plenty now exist regularly, several times each day for most. Humans were never metabolically wired to consume the large amount of nutrient poor calories as we do today, and it is leading to an early grave for millions. The bottom line is simple: eliminate calories from sugar sweetened beverages and lower your risk of heart disease by one fifth. Researchers reviewed the beverage consuming habits of 42,883 men in the Health Professionals Follow Up Study, and after controlling for risk factors including smoking, physical inactivity, alcohol use and family history of heart disease, they determined that daily consumption of sugar sweetened beverages resulted in a twenty percent increase in cardiovascular disease. Scientists found that less frequent consumption, on the order of twice weekly to twice monthly did not increase risk. Lead study author, Dr. Frank Hu and his team from the Harvard School of Public Health measured blood markers for cardiovascular disease in the group such as C reactive protein CRP, potentially damaging blood fats including triglycerides and oxidized LDL cholesterol as well as good lipids known as high density lipoproteins HDL. They found that compared to a group of non sweetened beverage drinkers, the test participants had significantly elevated levels of triglyceride, CRP and lower HDL levels. These findings are to be expected with excess consumption of glucose.
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History shows that there are two basic aims that the Occupy movement in Ireland, needs to proceed with if it wishes to succeed. Firstly, it needs to ensure that it does not move straight from the first stage of protest to the last, without coalescing some of its objectives. It can do this by initiating a mass civil disobedience campaign, which although may be short lived, has historically been proven to succeed. And secondly, it needs to articulate a more concrete set of demands that will have resonance with a large section of the population. We are the 99% is a gripping slogan, but its not enough to sustain interest and support. The unusual thing about Occupy though is that not only is it an occupation of space, but also time. Raymond Williams The Long Revolution55 has relevance here. It offers a particularly useful wide frame optic into todays Occupy protests. Williams study argues forcefully for the need to think of revolution as a long, complex, unfoldinghuman process, uncontained by pre set categories or conventional spatial, imaginative or political limits. He says that because the scale of the whole process is too large to know or even imagine, it is reduced to a series of disconnected or local changes, and this scaling down only disguised some of the deepest problems and tensions, which then only appear as scattered symptoms of restlessness and uncertainty. 56 With this in mind, therefore, lessons from history show that now is not the time to scale down, but to think, and act, big.
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Heres part of a responsive reading for an Earth centered worship service:Speaking to the Earth Community, we say: Brothers and Sisters in Creation, we covenant this day with you, with all Creation yet to be, and with the Creator. With every living creature and all that contains and sustains you. Alarmingly, it doesnt seem to matter if a church is right or left in its general outlook. Congregations and denominations that have been historically conservative are focusing on the earth as a point of service too. In February 2009, I had a chance to visit with some relatives who attend an evangelical church long recognized for its stalwart stand in proclaiming the Gospel. But things have changed. Instead of messages focusing on the truths of Gods Word, sermons have taken an overt ecological edge. Although not promoting Earth centric beliefs like the United Churchwe covenant this day . with the Earth itselfthe teachings highlighted typical environmental themes: Global Warming, the eco problems supposedly caused by man, and the need to change consumption patterns and social behaviours.
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c. The services of a person employed under this policy may be terminated by the pastor. When the pastor dismisses the person, knowledge of this shall be made available to the deacons; however, the pastor is not required to state the reasons to the deacons if in his judgment the church can best be served by keeping the reason confidential. d. All paid personnel, commonly known as the staff, are directly responsible to the pastor in the performance of their duties. Loyalty to the church and its leadership is expected. They must subscribe without reservation to the Confession of Faith and must support the Constitution of the church. Pastoral staff must subscribe without reservation to the Officers and Teachers Covenant. e. Each staff member must understand that continuance of his or her ministry is subject to either the pastor or, in the event of a vacant pastorate, the deacons. The church shall elect deacons to serve its members.