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The ecologist suggests: "grasp the whole think like amountain and then the whole will explain the parts" Holism. Butbeware!An incautious insistence upon holism and an aversion toanalysis can also limit our understanding. An astute historian orphilosopher of science will acknowledge a need for a dynamic balancebetween the apprehension and application of parts and whole inscientific theory and practice. c The Egocentric Perspective. The philosophical method of"reductive analysis" leads almost irresistibly, to "the egocentricpoint of view. " Thus, following a philosophical tradition endorsedand exemplified by Hume and Descartes, philosophers have insistedthat philosophical inquiry "start" with the "hard" and "secure" dataof immediate experience and awareness, and then "move out,"cautiously and deliberately, to conjectures about "the externalworld," "other minds," and so forth. It is not difficult tounderstand why, in such a tradition of inquiry, there is a generalneglect of the question of man's moral responsibility of nature. Theecologist, as we well know, conceives of "nature" as a complicatedsystem of interacting parts. Such a concept is hopelessly out ofreach of a methodology which "begins" with "immediate" subjectiveexperience and awareness. Thus the very method of many philosophers their preferred manner of doing their work has kept themuninvolved with questions of environmental ethics. Moreover, byplacing mankind in the center of their theory of knowledge, manyphilosophers have been drawn toward the unwarranted conclusion thathumanity is also in the center of nature.

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Take, for instance, the classic debate on Protestantism and the rise of capitalism. According to opponents of Marxism, like Max Weber, it was the autonomous non economic development of a new religious ideology which alone provided the ground in which new capitalist ways of producing could take root. Puritanism caused capitalism. According to the mechanical materialists, it was the other way round. Protestantism was simply a mechanical reflection of the development of capitalist relations. Capitalism was the cause, Protestantism was the effect. Each missed out a vital link in the chain of historical development. Protestantism developed because some people in a feudal society began to work and live in ways that are not easily reconcilable with the dominant ideology of medieval Catholicism. They began to reinterpret some of its tenets so as to make sense of their new forms of behaviour. But this led to clashes with the ideological guardians of the old order the church hierarchy. At this point a series of figures emerged who tried to generalise the challenge to the old ideology Luther, Calvin, etc.

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Utahs voice has been sold to a consortium of states led and overseen by the U. S. DOE. Since when does being common trump being free?Even well meaning educational decisions are meaningless without political freedom. Christel, there is only one set of education standards in the State of Utah and that is the State of Utah Standards adopted by the State Board of Education. Almost two years ago, the Board adopted the CCSS for math and language arts as part of the Utah State Standards and they did this in public open meeting with the agenda publicized as usual. The State Board regularly reviews and revises these standards and will continue to do so. Utahs voice is part of the consortium of states lead by the NGA Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers not the U. S. DOE. No freedom has been lost.

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However, it has served to bring back over 30 years of rejection which is difficult to explain, yet I must try. My professors were polite in rejecting it as a Masters Degree Thesis, explaining that it is: too big. There explained that in the academic realm, a thesis must be provable by empirical scientific data, and must serve some sort of need for furthering and/or building on other established ideas, with this one having too many factors which were off topic for a specific academic discipline, such as behavioral, psychological, social, legal, technological, economic, or political, with this concept too ill defined to fit into one genre, crossing over into all of them. Common fold rejected mainly in one idea, explaining there are so many people out there that are smarted that me who would have already thought of this, that it is simply a pipe dream. Many more have taken it in a very negative way, feeling insulted that someone like me would think to be smarter than those well educated people capable of brilliant ideas. This is not wrong, as it has already been established with an official acronym, Multicolored Auxiliary Rears Signalling Systems MARSS, and has already been make legal to use for protecting yourself from rear end collisions in three states; Oregon, Idaho, and Washington State.

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